

1. Flower Petal

Create two stroke paths: one yellow and one blue. Remember we made this leaf Last week.


2. Blend Options

Go to Object > Blend > Blend Options and set it to Specified Steps = 10. Specified Steps basically tells how many step to blend from 1 object to another.

blend options


Now select the 2 petal paths, go to Object > Blend > Make or press Ctrl + Alt + B and you should get something looks like the image shown below.



3. Duplicate More Petals

Duplicate more petals to form the flower by Copy & Paste or Alt + Drag. Male it look like this.

more petals

4. Stem

Create a stem by using the same Blend technique as in the previous step. Here I set the Specified Steps = 8. (yes with the pen tool.)


5. Leaf

The leaf is formed by 2 parts, top and bottom. I use Specified Steps = 5 here.



6. Put Them Together

Now put them together to create a beautiful flower.

full flower

7. Right Long Leaf

Create a long leaf with Blend steps = 3.

right long leaf

8. Left Long Leaf

Repeat the previous step to create the left long leaf.

left leaf




Final Result

Your final image should looks like the image shown below:
